It’s A Sign

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.

One thing we all have in common is that we make decisions daily. Of course, some decisions are far more significant than others. The decision of what we’ll have for dinner is relatively minor compared to a major life decision. Although, there are days the dinner decision trumps all other decisions in order of importance (at least in our house).

When we’re considering a reasonably major decision, it’s not uncommon to look for a sign. Something… anything… that will help us know what the right decision is.

The main problem with this is that all signs are not created equal. Some signs are so clearly misleading, we know not to give them any real consideration. But then, what’s obvious to one person is not always obvious to the next. So, misleading signs can be a stumbling block to some.

Other signs seem promising but, since they can be interpreted more than one way, we often take a lot of time and effort deciding if they’re worth paying attention to.

Other signs are downright confusing. Ironically, we tend to spend more calories on this type of sign on the off chance that clarity can be found through sufficient reflection (and no, it usually can’t).

The sign we really want is the one that gives us the answer outright but that type of sign tends to be elusive. But, consider this… how many times do we get an obvious sign yet choose to ignore it because it doesn’t support our desired outcome?

A good rule of thumb is this…

When you have a big decision to make, pay attention to the signs but do your due diligence because you won’t have clarity otherwise.

Seek good information. Get wise counsel to help interpret what you think you’re seeing (with the emphasis on ‘wise’). Weigh all the pros and cons (making a physical list can be very helpful). Take your history and past decisions into consideration. Stay away from any decision that compromises your values. Take time to really think things through. Don’t let your emotions override reason. Pray (a lot). Don’t act in haste (unless time truly is of the essence). But, on the flip side, don’t take too long to make a decision.

Keep in mind that sometimes the best decision isn’t the most obvious and that the right decision might be the hardest. Decisions can also be tough when it’s a choice between what you want and what you know is right.

If a seemingly good decision turns out to be bad, don’t beat yourself up. No one is perfect and mistakes will happen. But, if we learn from our mistakes and resolve not to repeat them, we’re on the path to making something positive out of something negative.

Well, as this has been a relatively serious post, it’s best to leave you with something humorous.

There’s a sign for that…

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